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Issue Date: January 2025
Next Review: January 2026
The Company is committed to responsible procurement and working with our supply chain to support the objectives set out in this policy. We understand the benefits of ethical and responsible procurement on the sustainability of our business and will take continual positive steps to improve our performance, in collaboration with our supply chain. Our focus is on:
- Working with a supply chain that procures to the same auditable standards as ourselves, whilst complying with UK and international legislation.
- Ensuring our supply chain complete our internal accreditation/approval processes.
- Collaboration with our supply chain to deliver solutions that meet our expectations on social, economic, safety, quality, climate change impact, value and risk management and seek ongoing improvement.
- Procuring energy efficient products and services that positively impact energy performance and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
- Procuring responsibly and ethically sourced materials and minerals. Complying with legal requirements and supporting principles of other sustainable schemes.
- Reducing avoidable use of plastic and sourcing alternatives to single-use plastic.
- The promotion, and use, of low carbon solutions including materials with a high recycled content.
- Implementing practices that minimise waste creation and aim for zero avoidable waste to landfill.
- Sustainable solutions for company vehicles, procurement of fuel and associated logistics.
- Creating opportunities for supply chains and SMEs based in the areas in which we work, to positively impact local communities.
- Engagement with supply chain members that focus on quality, responsible labour resourcing and reputation.
- Supporting local economies through employment and skills programmes such as apprenticeship schemes, Supply Chain Sustainability School, Considerate Constructors Scheme, National Skills Academy.
- Promoting a culture of inclusion and diversity within the Company and our supply chain.
- Assessing key supply chain members against identified environmental and social risks.
- Monitoring performance and ensuring that examples of best practice are identified and communicated throughout the Company and our supply chain.
The Company and our supply chain will subscribe to these principles, which are also supplemented by our policies on Modern Slavery, Equal Opportunities and Ethical Business. All policies are reviewed annually and monitored at regular intervals throughout the year.
Philip Trant
Managing Director