Issue Date:  January 2025
Next Review: January 2026 


The ongoing success of the Company is founded on excellence in Health and Safety performance. This is achieved through a policy of continual, cost-effective improvement across all facets of the Business.

With commitment, support, participation and an effective management system, we strive to ensure the good health and wellbeing of our workers and keeping members of the public safe.

Our policy is to provide a positive health and safety culture where no one is harmed, we do not damage property and where we maintain the reputation we have for achieving the highest standards in Health and Safety practice through successful management, implementation, engagement and communication.

In support of this all employees are required to fulfil their legal duty to take reasonable care of themselves and other people who may be affected by their actions, and to fully support the Company in the management of Health, Safety and Welfare as a whole.

To achieve these objectives our Leadership Team are committed to providing a framework that ensures:

  • Safe and healthy working conditions for the prevention of work-related injury or ill health across all our business operations.Compliance to all relevant Health and Safety Legislation and other requirements.
  • Maintenance and development of our ISO 45001 Health and Safety Management, so that it remains effective in eliminating hazards and reducing risks, measured by performance monitoring and involvement of the workers to identify improvement opportunities to prevent incidents.
  • Provision of adequate resources, such as competent responsible workers and suitably maintained equipment, with the support of Health and Safety advisors and Occupational Health resources that ensure the governance of, and compliance to, company standards.
  • Effective risk assessment, management, and control mechanisms, communicated to all relevant parties, including robust incident investigation and root cause identification.
  • Involvement of workers, their representatives, our suppliers, clients, and other interested parties, to identify needs and requirements, ensure adequate planning, responsibilities and authorities, legal obligations, objectives, resource requirements, best practices, and improvement options.
  • A positive culture for employees, increasing their awareness and promoting their ownership of Health and Safety through communication, active participation, and the provision of suitable and adequate training.
  • The involvement and engagement of employees and other sources of best practice to identify opportunities for improving the health and safety of workers and other impacted by our operations.
  • The Management of Occupational Health and Safety is monitored, measured continually and frequently reviewed by the Leadership Team to ensure it performs effectively and within the framework required to set performance targets that align with the Company’s wider objectives.
  • Ensuring that we consider climate change within our business, including interested parties and address Climate impacts where we can, so that we enhance customer satisfaction & ensure regulatory compliance.

Our policy is communicated to, and extends to, all persons working for or on behalf of the Company and is readily available via our website, company intranet and to other interested parties on request.

As Managing Director, I accept responsibility for this Health and Safety Policy and all Company Directors are responsible for supporting and promoting our commitments and ensuring the effective implementation in their respective areas of the Business.

Philip Trant

Managing Director